spring flower background


February 20, 2013

 This has been a great experience....my Free Form Peyote Challenge piece is coming along nicely....but it isn't finished...and I can't work on it too much the next couple of days, so I will post it as it is right now.
 I will post the progress on this piece on the FREE FORM PEYOTE FB PAGE

 To see the process getting it to this point, check
out the Free Form Peyote Challenge Attempt 2
page on the right.

I didn't plan real well, my focal points were
off to each side and not centered on the
bracelet...so I started embellishing it with more
picture 1

 I used a glass button for the closure and
added a loop to go over it...I plan to add more
beads to the loop and to the pink bridge below
the button.
picyure 3
 The center of the above piece I am still working on that part...the graduated pink beads aren't secured on that 'embellished' part. The embellish
part to the right may be complete...not sure.
 View from opposite direction...
 Another view from the other direction...just trying to get different perspective on it..
 this is the view of the central part I am still
working on.
 Upside down view of the same area...I think I may bring in more of the light pearl triangle beads.

Seems the piece keeps growing....it is fun just
letting it develop.
Looking forward to seeing everyone's challenge piece....please stop back to see how this one 'grows'....

Started the FFP project over with new colors ...went with shades of peach and green. Hopefully this will go better...see STARTING OVER ATTEMPT #2 for pictures.

Started the FFP project over with new colors ...went with shades of peach and green. Hopefully this will go better...see STARTING OVER ATTEMPT #2 for pictures.

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